Master Class – Audition – February 2 2019
‘Physical Script’ masterclass/Audition a Roma con il coreografo SAGI GROSS
Orario: 10:00 – 14:00
– Classe di riscaldamento giornaliera
– Repertorio Gross Dance Company Amsterdam
– Metodo coreografico ‘Physical Script’ sviluppato dal Sig. Gross
Luogo: Rome International Dance Academy Italy
Prezzo: 50 euro + 5 euro iscrizione associativa
Per registrarsi inviare CV A lopeandrea@yahoo.it o contattare Andrea Palombi al 3203017898
Il metodo coreografico ‘Physical Script’
Gross ha denominato il suo metodo Physical Script, ovvero ‘copione fisico’, in quanto pensa ai suoi danzatori come attori che si muovo e che usano i propri corpi per riprodurre ‘parole espressive fisiche’ invece che il solo ‘movimento’. Cerca di dare un significato ad ogni momento e movimento e di articolarne il significato stesso nel contesto fornito da questo linguaggio fisico. E’ attratto dal senso del presente, dall’essere ‘qui ed ora’. Gross ci racconta: “Anche se proviamo e ripetiamo gli stessi momenti e movimenti fisici, voglio sempre che i danzatori seguano la sensazione di sperimentare ogni momento come se fosse la prima volta; proprio come gli attori quando ricevono il copione non ripetono soltanto le frasi date, ma con esse cercano di arrivare alla propria anima e coscienza individuale, in ordine da creare per loro stessi un momentum specifico di presenza. Questo gli dona una qualità umana intuitiva sorprendentemente differente che può applicarsi universalmente per più momenti durante la creazione e le performance. Mi sfida come spettatore e permette di esaminare costantemente tutti i diversi momenti.”
Audizione per il Biennio R.I.D.A. a Danza in Fiera
Audizione per il Rome International Dance Academy
Venerdì 22 Febbraio 2019 – 17:00
Pad. Spadolini Piano Attico AULA 3
età: 16/25 anni – nati dal 2003 al 1994
L’audizione sarà svolta dai Direttori del RIDA Program con un riscaldamento contemporaneo e repertorio della RIDA Junior Company e ci sarà l’opportunità di ricevere borse di studio.
Via Antonio Targioni Tozzetti 22 Saxa Rubra
Gaga Dancers classes 10:30 11:45
Ohad Naharin’s repertory 12:00:13:30
Teacher Jaar Moses
Cost: 150€ plus 10€ inscription
To info and reservation contact: lopeandrea@yahoo.it. 0039-3203017898
Gaga/dancers classes are open to professional dancers or advanced dance students ages 16+.
These classes last for an hour and fifteen minutes and are taught by dancers who have worked closely with Ohad Naharin. Gaga/dancers classes are built on the same principles as Gaga/people classes but also employ the specific vocabulary and skills that are part and parcel of a dancer’s knowledge. The layering of familiar movements with Gaga tasks presents dancers with fresh challenges, and throughout the class, teachers prompt the dancers to visit more unfamiliar places and ways of moving as well. Gaga/dancers deepens dancers’ awareness of physical sensations, expands their palette of available movement options, enhances their ability to modulate their energy and engage their explosive power, and enriches their movement quality with a wide range of textures.
Ohad Naharin’s repertory sessions
This class gives dancers an opportunity to learn excerpts of Ohad Naharin’s choreographic
works and to apply their training in Gaga to the repertory.
Ohad Naharin Ohad Naharin is a choreographer and the creator of the Gaga movement language. Born in 1952 in Mizra, Israel, he began his dance career with Batsheva in 1974 and made his choreographic debut in New York in 1980. In 1990, Naharin was appointed Artistic Director of Batsheva Dance Company and established its junior division, Batsheva – the Young Ensemble. He has created over thirty works for both companies and set pieces on other companies including Nederlands Dans Theater, the Paris Opera Ballet, and Les Grand Ballets Canadiens de Montréal. In addition to his stagework, Naharin developed GAGA, the innovative movement research and daily training of Batsheva’s dancers that has spread globally among both dancers and non-dancers. After almost thirty years of leading Batsheva, Naharin stepped down as Artistic Director in 2018, though he continues to serve as House Choreographer. Batsheva will also continue to be the home of Ohad’s research, development, and teaching of Gaga. A citizen of both Israel and the United States, Naharin currently lives in Israel with his wife, dancer and costume designer Eri Nakamura, and their daughter, Noga.